Monday, 20 February 2017

Healthy snacks for healthier snackers

Healthy snacks for evening snackers

My downfall in my life of fitness in 2017 is snacking at night.

The last couple of years of clean eating and weight training I sort of had this under control. 

Since Christmas and a spiralling month of chocolate wine and chaos plus a few other personal life changes I just can't knock the habit off. 

So this weekend when I did my food shop I planned beforehand what snacks I can get to help me switch from chocolate and biscuits to something more healthier. 

  • Pre-chop and prepare carrots and celery and store in Tupperware in the fridge ready to eat
  • Nuts, raisins, dates, coconut chips - a mixed selection in a tub and saved where the biscuits usually are!
  • Make some energy balls to shove in my mouth instead of a custard cream before I go to the gym 
  • Pomegranate seeds - pre picked, I found these a good alternative to haribo, These are my absolute fave!
  • Olives and a cocktail stick 
  • Chopped up fruit prepared and ready to snack on - apples, kiwis, grapes, pineapple
  • Chocolate cornflake buns - I need chocolate right so some little spoonfuls of cheap made buns with chocolate on gotta be better then say a snickers bar right? 
  • Kale chips 
  • Skyr yoghurt
  • A spoonful of peanut butter or chocolate spread if needs must!  
  • and finally don't snack at all - #lifegoals
The key is to prepare these snacks so you can walk in the kitchen and grab. Have willpower and try these alternatives at your next food shop. Don't buy the chocolate and biscuits, unless you have to like I do [hubby and kid wont allow otherwise], so store them in a different cupboard if you do. This way your routine of fridge and snack cupboard opening every time you walk in the kitchen will be met with new choices! 

Same goes for work, lunches, canteens and venders. Avoid them, take your own snacks, buy some little containers and always make sure you have something just in case and this will stop that walk to the vender. I also make sure I don't have any change on me and one better forget all sources of bank cards and money then I have to starve if I'm craving something naughty!! 

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