Rampage over
Wednesday, 15 July 2015
My fitness pal
According to my fitness pal I should be a stone lighter every day I'm under my calorie goal and it says in 5 weeks you should weigh a stone less than I actually am!! Why is this!? What is it doing?!
Monday, 13 July 2015
Feed me MAMA
So food wise - i'm my own worst enemy
I eat so good all day long then binge on biscuits come evening brew time i blame the other half
my cupboards would be without chocolate and biscuits if it wasn't for him. I honestly wouldn't do it unless i was desperate for a treat then id make some sort of healthy flapjack or something.
It kills me that this is the ruin of me but i think as i eat pretty well the rest of the time i shouldn't punish myself too much but i'm working to cut it out. but i just wish i didnt nail 5 custard creams when i have a cup of tea at night when ive worked so hard all day!
So typical day for me whilst at work:
Breakfast - 2 Scrambled egg with cherry tomatoes or salmon or avocado
Mid-morning snack - banana

Lunch - fruit bowl - apple, kiwi, berries & skyr yogurt
Dinner - chicken, vegetables, rice/pasta
I eat so good all day long then binge on biscuits come evening brew time i blame the other half
my cupboards would be without chocolate and biscuits if it wasn't for him. I honestly wouldn't do it unless i was desperate for a treat then id make some sort of healthy flapjack or something.
It kills me that this is the ruin of me but i think as i eat pretty well the rest of the time i shouldn't punish myself too much but i'm working to cut it out. but i just wish i didnt nail 5 custard creams when i have a cup of tea at night when ive worked so hard all day!
So typical day for me whilst at work:

Mid-morning snack - banana

Lunch - fruit bowl - apple, kiwi, berries & skyr yogurt
Dinner - chicken, vegetables, rice/pasta
Afters - Flapjack
I drink a mix of water, green tea and tea with almond milk throughout the day
other examples
I'm trying to use less and less jars and packets of sauces and instead use spices and tomato juice/coconut milk to make dishes tastier if needed.
I'm also trying to make plates 50% vegetables, 30% Chicken and 20% rice/potato etc
We never eat ready meals i make all meals from scratch and even doing the weekly shop i concentrate on buying raw fruit, vegetables and meat and not processed/packet foods or ready meals.
I generally always cook the evening meals so i get the choice of exactly whats in my meals, it saves us so much money also cooking like this. I do my best to switch it up for everyone else though so there not getting bored of eating the same vegetable and plates of food, I like them to come home to something unexpected and i'm naturally good at chucking ingredients together and making a delicious meal without it seeming like boring health food.
I've been like this for a long time as i'm against plastics and food packed with all these ingredients we cant even pronounce, additives that i believe are the cause of many diseases in our bodies, i'm conscious of avoiding them.
If i eat out at a friends or family i'm not like whats this whats in it wheres it from ill happily eat whatever they cook no questions asked i'm not a freak about it cos i'm too laid back a person to be like that but when i can choose i make better choices.
I use my fitness pal to track my progress and this again makes you consciously think about what your eating and how much your eating, I generally eat under 1600 calories and have reduced it to 1400 calories per day recently reason being to make me not eat that biscuit! And did i mention i go on holiday in days now!!
I wrote the above a few days ago and I've actually had such a crappy week like I just want to binge and I don't know if it's because I'm telling my self to be really good the week before the holiday or my body just needs more than what I'm giving it. So naturally I give it what it wants. I'm only talking about a few sweets and toast for breakfast instead of the norm or I had little pancakes with strawberries this morning nom yum nom and also James decided to sort tea first time in months and bought some marks and Spencer's ready meals I could have died when I saw them! I was like I know Uve gone out of the way to pick us a nice tea but WHY THESE haha one had like 74% of ur daily allowance of fat, sugar and carbs!! This is the sort of thing that puts me off eating this crap! He agreed after we had eaten them that they were shit and we could have made nicer healthier versions with what we had in fridge etc
I drink a mix of water, green tea and tea with almond milk throughout the day
other examples
Breakfast - Wheatabix or porridge with almond milk
Lunch - chicken and roasted veg
Dinners -
Homemade curry with tomato base packed with veg and chicken/basa fish fillet + rice with kidney beans
Meat with broccoli, asparagus, peppers and roasted sweet potatoes
Stir fry packed with vegetables and sprinkled with soy sauce not packet sauces
I'm trying to use less and less jars and packets of sauces and instead use spices and tomato juice/coconut milk to make dishes tastier if needed.
I'm also trying to make plates 50% vegetables, 30% Chicken and 20% rice/potato etc
We never eat ready meals i make all meals from scratch and even doing the weekly shop i concentrate on buying raw fruit, vegetables and meat and not processed/packet foods or ready meals.
I generally always cook the evening meals so i get the choice of exactly whats in my meals, it saves us so much money also cooking like this. I do my best to switch it up for everyone else though so there not getting bored of eating the same vegetable and plates of food, I like them to come home to something unexpected and i'm naturally good at chucking ingredients together and making a delicious meal without it seeming like boring health food.
I've been like this for a long time as i'm against plastics and food packed with all these ingredients we cant even pronounce, additives that i believe are the cause of many diseases in our bodies, i'm conscious of avoiding them.
If i eat out at a friends or family i'm not like whats this whats in it wheres it from ill happily eat whatever they cook no questions asked i'm not a freak about it cos i'm too laid back a person to be like that but when i can choose i make better choices.
I use my fitness pal to track my progress and this again makes you consciously think about what your eating and how much your eating, I generally eat under 1600 calories and have reduced it to 1400 calories per day recently reason being to make me not eat that biscuit! And did i mention i go on holiday in days now!!
I wrote the above a few days ago and I've actually had such a crappy week like I just want to binge and I don't know if it's because I'm telling my self to be really good the week before the holiday or my body just needs more than what I'm giving it. So naturally I give it what it wants. I'm only talking about a few sweets and toast for breakfast instead of the norm or I had little pancakes with strawberries this morning nom yum nom and also James decided to sort tea first time in months and bought some marks and Spencer's ready meals I could have died when I saw them! I was like I know Uve gone out of the way to pick us a nice tea but WHY THESE haha one had like 74% of ur daily allowance of fat, sugar and carbs!! This is the sort of thing that puts me off eating this crap! He agreed after we had eaten them that they were shit and we could have made nicer healthier versions with what we had in fridge etc
Went on a good bike ride last night and I've had a sore ass today so went to gym and focused on my arms and shoulders today too so I'm still working out and eating under my calorie goal but just making bad choices to what I'd like.
I still run around 3 grates cos it's bad luck
Stretching is the law, you can't run well without doing it, try it, you'll be shit and you'll be crippled for a few days. I've done it and it hurts during and after your run.
I enjoy my run stretching now, full body stretches are something i'm trying to do daily as the more i'm working out the more i wake up aching and feel like i need to stretch it out.
My body felt good this weekend, knocked out a 7.5 mile run on Saturday Morning and changed the route which definitely makes it more enjoyable. Not knowing a route is key to a long run we agreed because you don't know where you are and how many mile to go etc so i think were going to be switching our routes up a lot more in future.
We no longer fear hills, ok so we power walked up a massive hill on Saturday which was at the beginning of our route so not to burn ourselves out before we'd even started. but the rest of the route was also a slight incline for a good few miles so this has to be done. Its also a good warm up.
We started planning short runs into our weekly training which focused on hills and not stopping till we hit the top which has helped us in our training definitely. So we might only knock out a 3 mile run but half of that run could be up a steep hill. what hills aren't steep when your running ey, its key to slow it down in order not to flake at the start.
But i don't feel broken if i have to stop and walk every so often either its all part of training your body, just power walk through it when you need a breather and slow it down in general.
I also get runners knee its not as bad at the minute but early on i damaged it by sprinting down a big hill which i don't ever do and it niggled me for weeks and weeks so this was another reason for being a stretching crusader. I ran it out though i didn't let it stop me sometimes i try and bounce differently whilst running or swap weight on legs etc i just try and mix things up to take the strains away.
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
High on life and peanut butter
Running foods
I was high on life and peanut butter once upon a time.
So my pre run breakfast was always toast with peanut butter, banana and sprinkled with cinnamon, this breakfast put me in good stead for them long runs but the more i was running the more i realised i wanted to spew up on the taste of the peanuts in my mouth whilst running, it was constantly repeating on me and my saliva.
So i gave up on peanut butter breakfasts and now enjoy porridge with banana, wheatabix and also scrambled eggs, tomatoes and bacon/salmon or avocado. These foods always give me plenty of energy to see a good mileage through. however me mate Kate ploughs through on mars bars, protein shakes or few haribo!!!! do what you love, its the best method.
One Saturday night i had eaten a Chinese takeaway which i don't eat often and totally pigged out and felt like crap afterwards. Well the following morning we had arranged to do a big Sunday run as you do. Well i totally flaked 6 mile in i couldn't run my heart attacked! It wasn't that i ached or felt sick or was out of breath, my heart would not stop pounding out of my chest. I walked it off several times and every time i started to run it came back and i nearly died roadside.
Again this experience showed me the crap we shovel in out bodies as ill effects and this day i nearly dramatically pretended to die. I wont do it again though its totally put me off takeaways.
Im no goddess of clean eating but i try to be as good as possible without living like a mortar and im happy with my diet and genuinely enjoy eating my fruit and veg in vast amounts daily. Again another lifestyle change ive adopted and inflicted upon my family. who have healthy teeth and tums in return!!
I was high on life and peanut butter once upon a time.

So i gave up on peanut butter breakfasts and now enjoy porridge with banana, wheatabix and also scrambled eggs, tomatoes and bacon/salmon or avocado. These foods always give me plenty of energy to see a good mileage through. however me mate Kate ploughs through on mars bars, protein shakes or few haribo!!!! do what you love, its the best method.

Again this experience showed me the crap we shovel in out bodies as ill effects and this day i nearly dramatically pretended to die. I wont do it again though its totally put me off takeaways.
Im no goddess of clean eating but i try to be as good as possible without living like a mortar and im happy with my diet and genuinely enjoy eating my fruit and veg in vast amounts daily. Again another lifestyle change ive adopted and inflicted upon my family. who have healthy teeth and tums in return!!
Holiday Ab countdown
So if you were gullible enough to read my last cry for help, obviously i realise how silly it sounded! "Been to gym for a month and i don't look like arnie", who was i kidding!
So i am now 7 weeks in now and this week i have been back on the running game, which i am pleased about because i lapsed for a whole month and my thighs knew all about it, honestly! So this proved to me what it was actually doing for my legs which helped me get my trainers back on i think. Really happy I've bashed a few out because i started getting the fear of not being able to run which would be terrible as id built a good base up this year.
I started running seriously again in January 2015 and built up a good stamina, i noticed that this time last year i quit running so thinking it must have something to do with the weather as i don't like the heat and sunshine for running in id rather it rain!
I can also lift more in the gym i have been naturally pushing myself and increasing weights as its become easier to rep so i'm really happy about that and its given me a better perspective and realisation that this is a long haul game and i got to be in it forever to win at it.
Its a lifestyle change I've hopefully made and it fits in to my daily routine with no pressure which is what it has to do.
Its funny how you change because if i miss a day of working out i feel it, which i like as it makes me want to go the next day.
This morning i woke up at 5.45am so got up and went to the gym before work, it was well busy and i was driving there thinking is this dedication or madness, and its neither because every other person does this and doesn't shout about it just gets on with it. So i stopped thinking i was the bomb for being there as its like going to the supermarket at the end of the day, we don't all shout about that on facebook do we!
13 days till i go on holiday so this is my last dedicated push of daily burning calories and pumping those abs ready for cocktails and lazing on the beach for a fortnight! #WECANDOTHIS
So i am now 7 weeks in now and this week i have been back on the running game, which i am pleased about because i lapsed for a whole month and my thighs knew all about it, honestly! So this proved to me what it was actually doing for my legs which helped me get my trainers back on i think. Really happy I've bashed a few out because i started getting the fear of not being able to run which would be terrible as id built a good base up this year.
I started running seriously again in January 2015 and built up a good stamina, i noticed that this time last year i quit running so thinking it must have something to do with the weather as i don't like the heat and sunshine for running in id rather it rain!
I can also lift more in the gym i have been naturally pushing myself and increasing weights as its become easier to rep so i'm really happy about that and its given me a better perspective and realisation that this is a long haul game and i got to be in it forever to win at it.
Its a lifestyle change I've hopefully made and it fits in to my daily routine with no pressure which is what it has to do.
Its funny how you change because if i miss a day of working out i feel it, which i like as it makes me want to go the next day.
This morning i woke up at 5.45am so got up and went to the gym before work, it was well busy and i was driving there thinking is this dedication or madness, and its neither because every other person does this and doesn't shout about it just gets on with it. So i stopped thinking i was the bomb for being there as its like going to the supermarket at the end of the day, we don't all shout about that on facebook do we!
13 days till i go on holiday so this is my last dedicated push of daily burning calories and pumping those abs ready for cocktails and lazing on the beach for a fortnight! #WECANDOTHIS
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