I was high on life and peanut butter once upon a time.

So i gave up on peanut butter breakfasts and now enjoy porridge with banana, wheatabix and also scrambled eggs, tomatoes and bacon/salmon or avocado. These foods always give me plenty of energy to see a good mileage through. however me mate Kate ploughs through on mars bars, protein shakes or few haribo!!!! do what you love, its the best method.

Again this experience showed me the crap we shovel in out bodies as ill effects and this day i nearly dramatically pretended to die. I wont do it again though its totally put me off takeaways.
Im no goddess of clean eating but i try to be as good as possible without living like a mortar and im happy with my diet and genuinely enjoy eating my fruit and veg in vast amounts daily. Again another lifestyle change ive adopted and inflicted upon my family. who have healthy teeth and tums in return!!
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