I'm back in the game...
So far anyway
I was casually browsing through twitter when i came across Fitness Garage and they'd posted something about Ron Hill October Challenge, Run Every Day!!
Hahaha bloody Ron hill!!!!
I liked the sound of this... anyway ended up in short convo with the owner and felt like i had committed to a challenge that i couldn't back out of or get away without doing.
Hence the reason I'm here, Motivation is key and people who motivate me I've got lots of time for!!
So being blasted on twitter about whether or not I've done my daily run, makes me know i got to get out and stomp on them pavements!! So i can tweet back with a middle finger (emoji needed for this) cos its done boiiii!!!
Don't get me wrong I've done a lap round park which is shy of a mile, and also blasted a mile out on treadmill in gym when I've not had chance/time to do more but this is still good for me, its a run, it may be a small run, but i went out and ran.
I've been doing this alone too because i feel like i can get up and go when i need to rather than fannying around texting trying to arrange who can go at what time and where we are running and whose house were meeting at. It all got a little to much for my running game.
I like to think i'm gonna go running and go! so i do and ive been so much better for this, anyway 8 out of 31 is done and i need some emojis on here to show how i feel right now!!!
Get on it with me start now and finish in November cos no one really gives a fuck but you'll feel good for it!!
I feel like i can run again (emoji), and i like being forest gump (emoji here too)
Sorry i type fast and talk shit but thats what i do (another emoji)