Wednesday, 28 October 2015

October run challenge day 28

Totally quit this shit by accident!! I was so into it and then last week I got an injury in my coccyx somehow and it ruined me and my routine went to pot

Today I went back to box fit which is where I got ruined and I think I'm good to go I have my body a complete rest for a week and I'm not in pain tonight so will pick it back up and take this challenge into November as I was actually enjoying getting back into running and I feel like a sloth after a week off again.

Ron hill challenged me and I failed but I don't give a shit

I quit sugar 8 week programme

I am contemplating doing this as a challenge as the last few weeks my yearnings have gotten the better of me
And I can't stop munching so I need something to work towards and came
Across this. 8 weeks is a long time though..... But gonna go for this one week at a time!

I'm good at this anyway I don't eat any processed foods or fast foods and I make all our meals at home and lunches for work etc 

My down fall in life is biscuits with a cuppa, haribo car snacking, cake from my feeder husband ( who I completely wish was into this as it would make my life so much easier if he did it too). Fuck him tho haha

I'm gonna prepare my self in starting this challenge and go for it, il update my progress if it in fact does progress lol 

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Sweet potato muffin magic

Sweet potato in a muffin? That's right.

I love sp's and I love muffins what could go wrong!

Serves: 12

  • 2 eggs, beaten
  • 200g caster sugar
  • 225g cooked sweet potato, mashed
  • 120ml olive oil
  • 80ml unsweetened almond milk or water
  • 200g plain flour
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon almond butter or peanut?

They turned out yum, I tweek recipes I look up a few find some that I like the ingredients for and mix them up and cross my fingers lol. You can use gluten flour as a replacement or honey/maple syrup instead of sugar etc

Prep:10min  ›  Cook:25min  › Ready in:35min 

  1. Preheat the oven to 180 C / Gas mark 4. Grease a muffin tin or line with paper muffin cases.
  2. In a large bowl, mix eggs, sugar, sweet potato, oil and water. Combine flour, cinnamon, bicarbonate of soda, baking powder and salt. Add the dry ingredients to the wet ingredients along with the nuts. Fold gently until just moistened. Fill muffin cups 3/4 full. Bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes or until muffins test done. Do not overbake. Cool on wire rack.

Friday, 9 October 2015

Ab workouts make me nauseous for days

This is actually a  thing

Its an actual thing i've been suffering unawares for the last few months

I haven't put two and two together that when i work my abs i feel sicky the day after

I decided to google this shit and its definitely something loads of people suffer from i thought ive been thinking im pregnant to many times because of this morning nausea ive had hahaha

What a douche

I apparently am dehydrated so i drank loads and it did go away i also ate haribo and they helped =)

Run every day challenger

I'm back in the game...

So far anyway

I was casually browsing through twitter when i came across Fitness Garage and they'd posted something about Ron Hill October Challenge, Run Every Day!!

Hahaha bloody Ron hill!!!!

I liked the sound of this... anyway ended up in short convo with the owner and felt like i had committed to a challenge that i couldn't back out of or get away without doing.

Hence the reason I'm here, Motivation is key and people who motivate me I've got lots of time for!!

So being blasted on twitter about whether or not I've done my daily run, makes me know i got to get out and stomp on them pavements!! So i can tweet back with a middle finger (emoji needed for this) cos its done boiiii!!!

Don't get me wrong I've done a lap round park which is shy of a mile, and also blasted a mile out on treadmill in gym when I've not had chance/time to do more but this is still good for me, its a run, it may be a small run, but i went out and ran.

I've been doing this alone too because i feel like i can get up and go when i need to rather than fannying around texting trying to arrange who can go at what time and where we are running and whose house were meeting at. It all got a little to much for my running game.

I like to think i'm gonna go running and go! so i do and ive been so much better for this, anyway 8 out of 31 is done and i need some emojis on here to show how i feel right now!!!

Get on it with me start now and finish in November cos no one really gives a fuck but you'll feel good for it!!

I feel like i can run again (emoji), and i like being forest gump (emoji here too)

Sorry i type fast and talk shit but thats what i do (another emoji)


Resting from Working out

I have just had ten days completely off eating clean and exercising. I weren't feeling well and felt like I needed to feed it so I did, I also had a girlie weekend to make sure I wasn't poorly for so I completely rested and ate a lot more than I usually do. I feel like my body needed it and during the rest period I felt like my body was long gone I hadn't even seen myself I'd been drowned in layers upon layers of clothing and scarfs and blankets and duvets constantly wrapped up to keep warm. I was completely worried I'd have to start all over again, especially after the Chinese takeaway I demolished 'total dream'.

Anyway Monday came this week and I was straight back on it, Tuesday same again on it with a leg day in the gym and Wednesday has arrived and I feel good again and motivated to do better. I think breaks are good for this reason. For me they make me want to hit to the gym and they say 'nothing tastes as good as fit feels' and it's so true. I love feeling toned and healthy and what healthy feels like. 

I do want to get back on the pavement running though as I see a total difference in my legs when I stop.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

I'm an 85% food snob

I'm in such a weird place at the minute. Sometimes I think people look at me and think for god sake eat a fucking burger man!!! I'm sat in the staff room eating a Tupperware box full of fruit for my lunch and I honestly 100% completely enjoy it. Everyday I do this and have done for the last six month.... Am I fucked up or what cos a few years ago I'd have looked at someone doing that and thought 'get a life'. Why are you counting calories, stupid dieting rah rah rah!! But here I am now not on any fucking diet eating what the hell I want and not trying to lose weight but just choosing a healthier lifestyle for myself and loving it.

I get offered out for fish and chips, pie and peas, Taco Bell, bacon sandwiches etc on a daily basis and I refuse everyday cos I really don't want to eat it. What is wrong with this woman!! Sometimes I still go on the road trip out cos I'm not jealous I'm not eating it. I wonder why people eat that amount crap processed food constantly and don't think twice about it.

I have changed haven't I??

I used to eat two freaking Big Macs on a Saturday morning to soak up my hangover and then think about what chinese I was ordering for tea.

Urgh all I see now is disgustingness 

I'm a 85% food snob tha knows.period.